How locals of Organic Valley trap fish:

 How  locals of Organic valley trap fish:

Two major methods to trap fish by the locals of Organic valley during fishing include either using a rod or using a Fishing net.

How  locals of Organic valley trap fish

As we know the landscape here comprises rivers, lakes, and small water streams. Here different types of fish are found. In some places, fishing is banned by the government to save the endangered species of fish. Usually, people get licenses to fulfill their hobbies. Different ways of fishing are practiced by the locals. Here I will discuss the major two methods. Later in my blogs, I will discuss other methods too.

Fishing Net:

    The old and the most used method of fishing is by using a fishing net. This method is applied to trap fish on a large scale. The net is designed in a way that once a fish try to pass through it, it gets trapped. These fishing nets may have variable hole sizes. Here people use the fishing net in two ways. 

Fixing the Net:

    Either they leave the net in the water to stay there for at least 8 to 10 hours. After that, the fisherman takes the fishes out of the water, if any, and leave the net again in the water. This process is easy but the locals believe that the results are not so satisfactory.

Net Dragging:

Although a time-consuming method but the results are unexpected. Fishermen take the local boat in the mid of the river and through the net in the river. He let the boat move in the direction of water flowing. After some time the net is taken out of the water.

Best Fishing Net to buy on Amazon.

Fishing Rod:

Practically applied by people having the hobby of fishing. As this method is not used when someone is to trap fish on large scale. Different types of rods along with threads are used. These threads are attached with unique types of needles. During fishing, these needles are hidden with food items for fish. Once the fish attempts to take the food, this rounded needle gets trapped in its oral cavity.

Rod Fixing:

Just like net fixing, Rod fixing is to fix the rod in a single place and the fisherman visits the rod after every 8 to 10 hours. Special threads made of silk are used by locals.

Actively Examining the Rod:

Special threads made up of plastic are in use. The Fisherman Actively Examines the rod. Whenever he/she feels jerk, he/she takes the rod out of the water. So in this way, the process is carried out multiple times.

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In addition to the stuff used in fishing, lots of other factors affect fishing. These factors include season, location and weather, etc. 

Effects of season on Fishing:

Fishing in Spring & Summer:

At the end of spring and at the beginning of summer fisherman gets extraordinary results. The reason behind this is that during these months glaciers start to melt so the water level in the rivers starts to rise. 

Fishing in Autumn and Winter:

Although the output is not so good but still people keep themselves indulging in fishing. Even In winter when small bays attached to the river get frozen, people break the ice to do fishing.

Effects of Location:

For fishing rod users:

Usually, the bank of the river attached to lush green areas is best for you if you are using rods. These grassy areas have different types of insects. Fishes prey on these insects. Therefore the probability of trapping fish is maximum here.

For Fishing Net Users:

Just like bays of oceans, some parts of Rivers also get the bay shape. There is a maximum probability of the presence of fish here. Just close the bay by a lengthy fishing net. Start to create a disturbance from the end of the bay. Fishes will try to escape but once they will try to move toward the river, they will get trapped.

Some important fishing gears include fishing gloves, a Fishing tackle storage bag, a waterproof fishing bib, fishing U-shaped boat.

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